We care about tasty food!

years of experience
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AAACreditinfo rating
%of dedication
We are proud to announce that the President of the Republic of Estonia Alar Karis visited our production plant. Our team had the great honor to introduce President Karis the history of our company and the manufacturing process of our various products.

In 2021, Polven Foods OÜ was chosen as the best small company in Ida-Virumaa and we will do our best to continue in the same way!
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About us

Polven Foods was created with the desire to make delicious food. Since there was no delicious mayonnaise in the stores in the 1990s, we decided to begin to produce it ourselves. Our mayonnaise-masters had to try out several recipes until they discovered just the right taste and we could start production. We are using the original recipes created during the long testing period to date.

Our company was founded in 1998 in Ida-Virumaa (Estonia), where we began to produce three products in our 100-square-meter plant: mayonnaises Provensaal and Kodune, and ketchup. Today, we are one of the largest mayonnaise and condensed milk producers in the Baltic States and the only condensed milk producer in Estonia.

Contact us

    You would like to provide us with raw materials or cooperate with us, or do you have any questions? Please fill in the form and we will contact you within 48 hours.